Our Commitment during COVID-19


Our community will need to work together to keep our space a safe and healthy environment for Customers and Staff. We are counting on everyone to be compassionate and understanding and to work together to co-create a comfortable and enjoyable stay. With this attitude, we are creating “Shared Agreements” amongst our community members. In order to visit us, we will ask you to confirm your commitment.

COVID-19 Protocols

When we enter this space we will adhere to the following protocol based on CDC guidelines to create a safe and comfortable environment. If we feel ill, have any symptom(s) associated with COVID-19, or if we have had known exposure to COVID-19 within the last 14 days, we will not enter this space.

Wearing face coverings

We will all wear a face covering to prevent the spread of aerosols, the main transmission path of the virus.

Physical Distancing

We will all keep a physical distance of at least 6ft.

Personal hygiene

We will all take care of our personal hygiene, especially washing our hands regularly for at least 20 seconds

By appointment only

Customer and guests are invited to our space by appointment only.

Single customer

We will serve only members of one household at a time.

Comfortable outdoor space

We offer a comfortable outdoor space for our customers and guests.

Thorough cleaning

Our indoor space is cleaned regularly and thoroughly, especially before any visit. We have high performance air purifiers in place.